Remember, remember the morning star,
The home you have forgotten.
Remember, all that are gone, are not gone at all,
In every cell of your body, I have scripted my dreams.
The whole story of birth and growth of life upon
This flowering planet sleeps within you unknown.
Remember, the flowers are my messengers,
My signature of delight, showing you the secrets
Held deep in matters sleep, and honey your food.
If the bees are dying on earth, know that
The ecstasy is at stake and the web of life is in danger.
I have called you here, to tell you that I have
A work for you; a mission to accomplish.
Remember, the universe of life is one symphony,
A single verse sung by many stars in chorus;
What you have in your cells, is one with all life
And when you break the chords of my harmony
You are breaking your own rhythms of joy.
When you splice the strings of life, there comes
The discords in my rhythms of life that weave
The magic trails of ecstasy through buds and bees.
Remember, in your cells are all my memories,
The memories of life on earth, the great journey
Of plasm and plant, the bird and the beast,
In your dreams they climb towards the light.
Remember, your dreams are my own dreams,
I am dreaming in you when you dream.
Remember your birthplace, remember your birthright,
Recall the memory of love; regain the wine of delight,
Unite the alpha and omega of life as decreed by the One
Who has sent you forth to change the law of death.
In you are the veiled powers, the springs of supreme strength,
The memory of light and the flame gold ecstasy;
In you are the stars and the secrets of life,
In you are the worlds of ideas on the brink of Void.
I say unto you, enter the Void, the zero sign of the Supreme,
Walk through the nothingness and lift the veil of the shadow,
Discover the golden lid and the body of the One.
Remember the rock where Vivekananda sat
And recalled his memory,
Remember the story of Devi Kanya Kumari,
The goddess of the south extreme,
Remember her fury of a sacred marriage
That failed to happen, the last chapters seal,
Remember the lost civilisation,
Remember Kurmari Kāndam,
Remember Limuriya,
Remember Dwaraka and her king,
Let the memories come alive.
Remember the morning star,
Remember the dawn,
Remember Aditi.
She has sent you forth here,
To recall your memories
For a lost civilisation to regain its sight,
So that the bees may gather
Honey again on earth.